duminică, 6 mai 2012

TANGERINE TANGO - culoarea 2012

Dance into the New Year with this Vivacious and Appealing Reddish Orange

The 2011 color of the year, PANTONE 18-2120 Honeysuckle, encouraged us to face everyday troubles with verve and vigor. Tangerine Tango, a spirited reddish orange, continues to provide the energy boost we need to recharge and move forward.

“Sophisticated but at the same time dramatic and seductive, Tangerine Tango is an orange with a lot of depth to it,” said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. “Reminiscent of the radiant shadings of a sunset, Tangerine Tango marries the vivaciousness and adrenaline rush of red with the friendliness and warmth of yellow, to form a high-visibility, magnetic hue that emanates heat and energy.”

Over the past several years, orange has grown in popularity and acceptance among designers and consumers alike. A provocative attention-getter, Tangerine Tango is especially appealing in men’s and women’s fashion. Fashion designers featured in the PANTONE Fashion Color Report Spring 2012, including Tommy Hilfiger, Nanette Lepore, Cynthia Steffe by Shaun Kearney, Elie Tahari and Adrienne Vittadini, are incorporating this attractive orange into their spring collections. A fun, lively take on a traditional autumnal hue, Tangerine Tango will surely carry through to fall fashion as well.

A winner in cosmetics because of its versatility, Tangerine Tango is a bit exotic, but in a very friendly, non-threatening way. Add a sultry flair to lips, cheeks and nails with Tangerine Tango. An unexpected eye shadow color, Tangerine Tango is a complementary opposite that flatters blue or green eyes. When paired with brown eyes, it brings out an amber cast.

Energize interior spaces with Tangerine Tango patterned home accessories. Pillows, bedspreads and tabletop accessories in this high-impact hue add spice to any room. Or incorporate Tangerine Tango appliances and personal electronics for an unexpected pop of color. Looking for an inexpensive way to perk up your home? Paint a wall in Tangerine Tango for a dynamic burst of energy in the kitchen, entryway or hallway. (www.pantone.com)
Nu e portocaliu, nu e roşu şi nici corai. E tangerine tango şi e culoarea vedetă a anului 2012! Vorbim despre o nuanţă vibrantă, la confluenţa dintre cele trei culori enumerate mai sus.
Vedetele au purtat deja tangerine tango, asta fără să ştie că îmbracă o nuanţă superstar! Rochiile arată excelent, la fel topurile, fustele, pantalonii. (www.unica.ro)

De-a lungul ultimilor ani, portocaliul a crescut in popularitate atat in randul designerilor cat si in randul iubitorilor de moda. O reinterpretare energica a nuantelor traditionale specifice toamnei, Tangerine Tango va fi preluat cu succes si in colectiile de sfarsit de an.
Culoarea este castigatoare si in tendintele in machiaj prin versatilitate, fiind exotica, dar calda si prietenoasa in acelasi timp: poate fi utilizata cu succes atat pe buze, obraji si unghii dar si ca fard de pleoape.
In fiecare an, culoarea anului este selectata in urma unui proces complex, prin care Pantone analizeaza influente din intreaga lume. Acestea pot aparea in industria de divertisment, filme ce sunt in productie, jurnale de calatorii si destinatii la moda, artisti in voga sau diverse conditii socio-economice. Influentele pot aparea de asemena din tehnologie, disponibilitatea unor noi texturi si efecte care pot crea un impact semnificativ asupra culorilor sau din evenimente sportive ce sunt in atentia intregii lumi. ( http://www.alomoda.ro/pantone-tangerine-tango-culoarea-anului-2012.html )
United by a passion for color, Sephora and Pantone combine their expertise to become beauty’s leading authority on color. Sharing an affection for how color can transform a face, mood, or even an attitude, this breakthrough beauty partnership will change how you wear, feel and think about color. You’ll be introduced to playful shades that will inspire experimentation and exhilarating new products you’ll impulsively want to sweep on. It will reawaken and reinvigorate your own passion for color—or ignite a newfound love. Join us in celebrating Color of the Year: Tangerine Tango! (www.sephora.com)

Pentru 2012, PANTONE – autoritatea globala in domeniul culorilor si a standardelor profesionale de culoare din industria modei – merge in aceeasi directie voioasa, anuntand PANTONE® 17-1463 ca fiind culoarea anului 2012.
PANTONE® 17-1463 este TANGERINE TANGO – denumirea data unui portocaliu rosiatic, nuanta ce ne va asigura un an dinamic din punct de vedere cromatic.

Alexander Mc Queen:

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